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Department Rationale

The Johnston Heights Physical Education Department strives to build a foundation of knowledge, skills, and habits to motivate students to sustain a long-term healthy lifestyle. We believe that building confidence and leadership by using sport and fitness activities as learning tools contributes significantly to developing the "whole person."



Our PE Department has implemented new protocols with our students and classes. The first is a Student Information & Medical form that must be filled out and signed by a parent/guardian BEFORE any participation in class is permitted. We believe that by having current student information we are better able to keep your child(ren) safe and adapt activity to meet their personal physical needs. We also would like this to be a method of opening up communication betweeen the teacher and parent/guardian.


The second expectation is all students bring  their own water bottle to class to help rehydrate during their instructional time. Students will no longer be permitted to leave their area to get water or refill their bottles from the water fountains, as this can cause disruption to other classes. We are also trying to instill some personal responsibility in each of the students; in any physical endeavour that students may participate in, they will be responsible for caring for themselves through proper nutrition, hydration, warm up, attire, equipment, etc.

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